Lancaster Lancaster


Known as a multifunctional type of apartment that combines living space with office workspace, Lancaster Legacy Officetel offers an ideal solution for small and medium-sized businesses seeking to own a modern office with a wide range of facilities in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. The officetel units have diverse sizes, similar to regular apartments, but they are designed to accommodate work needs while also allowing access to the entire multi-expericence facilities within the project. Officetels are a suitable choice for startups and small to medium-sized enterprises.


Flexible space, optimal investment


Mặt bằng toà / toà b / tầng 8 - 18

Căn hộ 2 phòng ngủ

Mã căn hộ: B08.05

Diện tích thông thủy: 88,5 m2

Sàn thép: 2,2

Diện tích tim tường: 90,5 m2

Vị trí căn hộ
